
My Community Help

Anna Kobylarz, President of Community Help, is raising funds to benefit the City of Goodness project in Ukraine.
As the world mourns the unconscionable invasion of Ukraine, Kobylarz seeks to help Ukrainian children by supporting the construction of a rehabilitation home for them in the City of Goodness.
Construction on the center has begun, and we are looking to raise at least $100,000 to help complete the project.
We kindly ask for your help. Your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps.

From the beginning of war Community Help Organization are raising money to help Ukrainian children who are suffering because of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Those monies were used to support children in the City of Goodness. City of Goodness is a center that accepts women with children and elderly people from all the war zone areas. During the war, the center has taken in three evacuee orphanages from the South of Ukraine. These are the children from birth to 7 years of age. Currently at the City of Goodness, there are 350 people in general, including over 200 children. Most of them are orphans and some of them are disabled or need physiological help. They are already getting professional help from specialists in the City of Goodness.

Anna Kobylarz, the President of Community Help Organization has just come back from her 12th trip to Ukraine. Most of her time she spent in the City of Goodness where she volunteered to take care of small orphans. Through her connections with other organizations, she was able to raise funding directly to the City of Goodness supporters.

At this time, we are raising funds to support the City of Goodness in opening a professional rehabilitation center where more children can get professional physical and psychological help.
It is very important to have that opportunity right away and not to wait for the end of the war as more and more children lose their parents, homes, and their health. A lot of children received wounds that should be treated as soon as possible.
For this purpose we are planning to raise $100,000.

Thank You For Your Support!

Community Help is an associated program of Polish American Foundation of CT, a public charity recognized as tax-exempt by IRS under Section 501(c)3.  Your cash contribution is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Make a donation.

It all begins with an idea. The idea that a little bit of your time or money can make a difference in someone else’s life. If you would like to volunteer please contact us, or if you’d like to donate instead, please click on the link below.

Our Team

Anna Kobylarz


Anna Kobylarz, a dedicated volunteer and philanthropist, serves as the President of Community Help and is also the Director of the Polish American Foundation’s Humanitarian Mission.

Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, she has tirelessly connected individuals, organizations, and even governments to support Ukraine’s most vulnerable victims, especially the children.

Anna’s relentless efforts played a crucial role in securing funds for the opening of a children’s medical center at “The City of Goodness”, Ukraine.

In 2023, in recognition of her exceptional humanitarian work, Anna was honored with an Ellis Island Medal of Honor, one of the nation’s most prestigious awards celebrating inspiring Americans.

Anna aims to bring something positive out of a devastating situation through her dedicated work on behalf of the children in Ukraine.

Zoriana Kramarenko


On the day when Russia started an unprovoked war against Ukraine, Ukrainian-born Zoriana decided that she must do everything she can to help Ukrainians.

Together with Anna, they have started their mission. While Anna was on the ground Zoriana was responsible for one of the biggest humanitarian aid actions for Ukraine in Connecticut. She organized collecting, sorting and packing medical supplies, personal care items, food, cloth baby care stuff and more. Most of the pallets she sent to an orphanage in Western Ukraine and the rest were delivered to a refugee center in L’viv.

From the beginning of the war, Zoriana acts as a connector between Ukrainian, Polish, and American nonprofit organizations and not only. Thanks to her skills and fluent English, Ukrainian and Polish languages, she was able to successfully manage humanitarian aid in Poland and Ukraine.

She dedicated herself to spreading awareness to the public about how critical it is to help displaced people, especially children during the war. Her closest family remains in Ukraine. Now she is focusing on raising money to protect orphans transferred from the warzone to safe places.


Dr. Izabela Marczak, MD


So blessed and thankful for all donations!

Thanks to everyone who join us last Friday! Hearts for Ukraine, the theme of last Friday’s program, brought together members of Connecticut’s Ukrainian Community and those in support of Ukraine as the nation’s fight for survival enters a second year. It was organized by Community Help and was attended by elected officials, organization leaders, and the public.
The Friday program at Ukrainian National Home in Hartford included a candle lighting vigil, along with a moment of silence to remember the lives tragically lost since the start of the war a year ago. Our program also included a Photography Exhibition highlighting the children who I have spent time with at the City of Goodness – those who are now orphans, or in need of rehabilitation from their injuries. The extraordinary photographer for that exhibition, Dasha Tenditna have her photography now presented on Capitol in Hartford.
Friday evening, a fundraising event was held at the Belvedere Restaurant in New Britain. Funds now being raised by Community Help and will be directed to support construction of a rehabilitation facility at City of Goodness for children struggling with illness and injuries.
I’m grateful to everyone who gave their time to help organize those events.
Community Help is an associated program of Polish American Foundation of Connecticut nonprofit 501(c)(3).


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