Children’s Medical Center in the City of Goodness

“I had the great honor of cutting the ribbon at the opening of the Children’s Medical Center in the City of Goodness. An amazing feeling that I can’t describe. What used to be just a dream is now a home for sick children who often have no home.” -Anna Kobylarz, October 2, 2023
Butterflies For Mariczka

Mariczka, a lovely, kind, and sensitive little girl, possesses a heart that resonates with the melodies of her songs and the delicate flutter of butterflies. Her spirit, unwavering and fierce, battles against the relentless grip of illness. Though she lies in a coma, her consciousness is woven with threads of love and support from across […]
Connecticut residents work to aid the war effort in Ukraine

The children scream when they hear ‘bombs’ signals’. A CT woman is raising money to help them survive.

Connecticut Resident Aims to Build Rehab Center for Shelter in Ukraine

Connecticut woman helping Ukrainian citizens affected by war

The orphanage “City of Good” in Ukraine has its own shelters

Exhibition Moves to State Capitol Monday and Tuesday

Local Woman Raises Money to Build Rehab Center for Ukrainian Children

Local events mark 1st anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine